KMM India- Kristalaya Mercy Mission                                                           

KMM -Kristalaya Mercy Mission begin its humble journey in the year 2007. The beginning of KMM is based on the life of the founder, Mr. Jagannath Banerjee.  He is man of vision and mission. He grew up seeing that his parents  both differently abled, is spite of working hard they were in dire situation. He had one younger brother and as they were not economically sound and  could not afford their sons’ education and other necessities of life for their all-round development. So, both of them were send to a nearby Home, a semi orphanage for every necessities of life --education, food, clothes and most importantly a shelter.

In the Home he had to continue his educations and other necessities with the help of people who were connected to him. Many benevolent person helped him at every crossroads of his life and encourage him to continue his studies and sponsored him. Still he faced lot of difficulties, challenges, obstacle, hardships, ups and downs in his formative years. All the feelings, emotions, socio-economic background, experiences, etc., helped him to understand the real feelings of under privileged, destitute and people below poverty line. He came to the present position with God blessing and encouragement and wholesome direction from mentors and friends with a burden in his heart to support, reach out to bring the best in the lives of different section of the society who are going through similar situation of destiny. He also wants to uplift the people by extending same kind of caring, helping hands. This supportive attitude, co-operative nature for the upliftment of the society,  gave birth to Kristalaya Mercy Mission, along with like-minded people under the leadership and vision of Mr. Banerjee.

KMM- India, i.e. Kristalaya Mercy Mission is a registered charitable society with the Government of India under The West Bengal Societies Registration Act XXVI of 1961. It is exempted under Section 80G and 12A. For corporate donations, partnering with KMM qualifies under the exemption of Section 80G and 12A.

Kristalaya kids in the EDUcare center


Skill & Leadership Training

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